With a little bit of imagination, you can buy girls emo clothing almost anywhere. In style fashion these days for emo females has gotten pretty basic. However, there are some emo girls who prefer to go for the more stand-out-ish emo style.

For those girls, the number one place I'd recommend is Hot Topics. You simply can't beat the variety of different alternative style wear that they offer, and emo is definitely a crowd that they cater to. You can find a variety of different brands and styles, from the very popular Hello Kitty line to movie promotional gear and even plain ol' flannel shirts.

For skinny jeans, I recommend Old Navy. Probably not where you were thinking, but I recommend them specifically because they cater to all shapes and sizes. Sometimes it's hard for bigger girls to find skinny jeans. And aside from Torrid, Old Navy is the only place I know that has them, and the price is far more reasonable than Torrid.

If you want to go towards the cheaper end of things, you can always check out your local thrift shop for girls emo clothing. That's usually a hit and miss endeavor. One tip to knowing when you'll have the best chance of finding some good stuff at thrift stores is to ask them when they put out new items.

You can also occasionally find some really good girls emo clothing at Walmart. Their juniors department typically tries to cater to what's in style, and emo clothing hasn't made its way out the door yet. Needless to say, Walmart prices are almost always reasonable.

We all know that Hot Topic is the most popular retailer for serving the alternative fashion cultures, but are they the only place that you can find cool emo clothes? The answer is a resounding 'No.' There are plenty of other places that you can shop for emo clothes depending on your sense of fashion.

There are definitely a few different types of shoppers when it comes to the emo culture. There are those who are hardcore bare bones shoppers and there are those who can take pretty much any basic style and turn it emo with the right accessories.

For the first type of shopper, Hot Topics is definitely your best bet for great easy to find emo fashion all in one place. They carry all of the top brands, including Hello Kitty merchandise, and popular movie apparel. They also carry all of the standard hearts, skulls, patterns, and sparrows that trendy emos typically wear.

For those who would rather go on the down low and approach emo fashion from a less 'look at me' style, you can easily shop just about anywhere as long as you have the right hairstyle and accessories. Skinny jeans can be found at many local retailers, such as Old Navy. Many emo girls simply wear tank tops and a lot of emo boys dress it down in plain colored t-shirts and flannels. Nothing flashy there.

Studded belts are the in fashion now, transcending emo culture, so you can get them just about anywhere. And for accessories, the best non-Hot Topic related store to shop at that still carries trendy emo jewelry is by far Claire's Boutique. This all goes to show you that if you take the less flashy approach you can acquire an emo wardrobe without stepping foot inside Hot Topic, and I know that would suit a lot of you just fine.

So, is Hot Topic the only place that you can find emo clothes? Certainly not. But depending on what your individual emo style is, it might be the best place for you to shop. It's really up to you and your style.

You will often find that Emo boys are more introvert than extrovert; they are basically shy guys, who never pretend to be tough. They generally have a face piercing or two, more often than not, the lips, racing hearts and a fantastic sense of style. They have no fear of being sad and will show their feelings, and would much rather take an art class than go and exercise in a gym. Girls find them really hot and the taller and thinner an Emo guy is, the more a girl likes it.

Rebelling against the establishment has and always will be part of youth culture. Emo boys do rebel against established expected norms, they will listen to the type of music, no-one else listens to. Dress with killer style, and pay great attention to their hair, clothing and make up.

Emo make-up is generally worn to make the face appear to be paler than normal, so they often make use of foundation as well as black eye-liner. This is used to make the eyes appear more accentuated. The eye-liner is used around the rim of the eye, encircling it, and often colors such as violet, purple or dark red, will also be applied, to allow a more gloomy effect. Eyebrows should be dark, and mascara is often applied as thickly as two to three coats.

The hairstyle is a very important part of the whole Emo-look. Hair color is generally either very dark or very light. And Emo girls prefer a two toned look where another color is generally worn underneath the hair. Haircuts are considered to be an expression of their creativity as well as individuality, whether it is long or short, each cut is individual to that person.